Veronica M. White

Assistant Professor

Dept. of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
College of Engineering
Florida A&M University-Florida State University

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Resume CV

Research Areas

Substance Use Disorder
Policing and Criminal Justice Decisions
Community Program Evaluation


In the News

OR/MS Today

Research has shown diversity fosters innovation. Our project aims to make K-12 OR/MS outreach adaptable, inclusive, and welcoming for all future decision-makers in OR/MS.
OR/MS Today · Increasing Underrepresented Students' Exposure to OR/MS through K-12 Outreach

Impact in Action

Presenting preliminary data analysis of the Madison Addiction Recovery Initative (MARI) to the MARI operations team February 2020.
Presenting work done at NIJ on the Mathematics behind Hot-spot mapping metrics at IISE 2022 Annual Conference
Teaching Iowa Farmers the VBA label making tool I created for their shipments as apart of the Iowa Food Hub Network Project May 2017.

Recent Publications

Alternative Police Response Models to Crisis Calls
V.M. White and L. A. Albert
2024 IISE Annual Conference and Expo, 2024. Link to PDF.
Evaluating diversion and treatment policies for opioid use disorder
V. M. White, L. A. Albert
arXiv. Preprint.
Sentinel Event Review for Successful Transition and Reentry Together (START) Program in the Eastern District of Wisconsin
C.D. Hudgins, V.M. White, R. Kane, M. O’Brien
National Institute of Justice, 2024. NCJ: 307990

See the full publication list here!

  +1 847 769 3264
Mechanical Engineering,
1513 University Ave,
Madison, WI 53706