Publications list

Working and Submitted papers

Evaluating diversion and treatment policies for opioid use disorder
V.M. White, L. A. Albert
arXiv. Preprint.
Law Enforcement-Led, Pre-Arrest Diversion-to-Treatment May Reduce Crime Recidivism, Incarceration, and Overdose Deaths: Program Evaluation Outcomes
J.E. Nyland, A. Zhang, J.A. Balles, T.H. Nguyen, V.M. White, L.A. Albert, et al.
(Submitted, In Review), p. 1, 2023.

Journal Papers

A discussion of current crime forecasting indices and an improvement to the prediction efficiency index for applications
V.M. White, J. Hunt, and B. Green
Security Journal, 2024.
The relationship between police contacts for drug use-related crime and future arrests, incarceration, and overdoses: a retrospective observational study highlighting the e need to break the vicious cycle
A. Zhang, J.A. Balles, J.E. Nyland, T.H. Nguyen, V.M. White, and A.E. Zgierska
Harm reduction journal, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 67, 2022.
Impact of a community-policing initiative promoting substance use disorder treatment over criminal charges on arrest recidivism
V.M. White, S.A. Avendano, L.A. Albert, A.E. Zgierska, C.J. Balles, et al.
Drug and alcohol dependence, vol. 227, p. 108915, 2021.
Pre-arrest diversion to addiction treatment by law enforcement: protocol for the community-level policing initiative to reduce addiction-related harm, including crime
A.E. Zgierska, V.M. White, J. Balles, C. Nelson, J. Freedman, T.H. Nguyen, et al.
Health & Justice, vol. 9, pp. 1-9, 2021.
A stochastic programming approach for locating and dispatching two types of ambulances
S. Yoon, L.A. Albert, and V.M. White
Transportation Science, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 275-296, 2021.
NIATx-TI versus typical product training on e-health technology implementation: a clustered randomized controlled trial study protocol
V.M. White, T. Molfenter, D.H. Gustafson, J. Horst, R. Greller, D.H. Gustafson, et al.
Implementation Science, vol. 15, pp. 1-12, 2020.
Classification of opioid usage through semi-supervised learning for total joint replacement patients
S. Lee, S. Wei, V.M. White, P.A. Bain, C. Baker, and J. Li
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 189-200, 2020.

Conference Proceedings

Alternative Police Response Models to Crisis Calls
V.M. White and L.A. Albert
2024 IISE Annual Conference and Expo, 2024. Link to PDF.
Measuring How Relatively "Good" a Hot-spot Map Is: A Summary of Current Metrics
V.M. White and J. Hunt
2022 IISE Annual Conference and Expo, 2022. Link to PDF.
A framework for collaboration among regional food system participants
A. Mittal, V.M. White, and C. Krejci
IISE Annual Conference, 2017. Link to PDF.

Government Reports

Sentinel Event Review for Successful Transition and Reentry Together (START) Program in the Eastern District of Wisconsin
C.D. Hudgins, V.M. White, R. Kane, M. O’Brien
National Institute of Justice, 2024. NCJ: 307990
Results from the National Institute of Justice recidivism forecasting challenge
C.D. Hudgins, V.M. White, D.M. Applegarth, and J. Hunt
National Institute of Justice, 2022. NCJ: 304110.
Advancing Evidence-Based Practices in Criminal Justice with Implementation Science
C.D. Hudgins, V.M. White, E. Martin
(In Peer Review).
Meta-Analyses of the 2022 NIJ Forecasting Challenge Winning Submissions
V.M. White, C.D. Hudgins, R. Rief, M. Pimsler, J. Hunt
(In Peer Review).