National Institute of Justice Research Assistantship Program Application Tips

Posted: 11 Jan 2021
Author: Veronica White

The NIJ RAP application is due 1/25/2021. Please look at the website to learn more about the program itself. NIJ also offers fellowships most years for those currently looking to fund their graduate research on criminal justice.

I received an email the other day from someone who was thinking of applying to the NIJ RAP program asking for application tips. I was eager to help demystify the application process that I experienced last year and typed up an email with various tips. It also got me thinking… Typically, I am not someone to reach out to random people to ask for tips/advice and I have always admired those that can. Maybe it’s my social anxiety of talking to a complete stranger, maybe its the act of asking for a favor without anything to offer in return, maybe its my lack of self-confidence that my questions are good questions and that I deserve this highly qualified person’s time/advice, maybe all of the above. Either way, this crippling hesitance to ask people or even knowing who to ask, shouldn’t be (although it often is) the determining factor for what opportunities I come across or how well prepared I am when I apply. I understand that in today’s society my hesitance to reach out puts me at a disadvantage, but I think this is a piece of the puzzle when thinking about the lack of diversity in higher education and of top positions in government and business. Gaining the knowledge and confidence to apply for these positions and opportunities often relies on who you know and talking with individuals in similar current positions. If you do not have access to those individuals or if you, like me, experience barriers in reaching out to strangers in those positions, it can limit you. I know I wouldn’t be where I am today without asking my friend about their experience in applying and being a PhD student and similarly I know I was a main source of inspiration for another friend of mine to attend graduate school.

Therefore, to get more information out there and share my experience for anyone that is interested, I have decided to post my application tips here for anyone digging hard enough to find. Below are some tips for applying to the NIJ-RAP program:

Best of luck on your application! I know it’s a lot to prepare, but it’s worth it if you get it!